Differences in lash extensions
Ever wonder what the differences are between the lash extension types? There are three main types of lash extensions. Mink (faux mink & sable), silk, and synthetic.
The main difference between the types of lashes comes down to their firmness, are they real fur, faux fur or synthetic.
Synthetic or Silk lashes are the heaviest, great for a really full thick look, often rated at 0.20mm in thickness.
Mink or Faux Mink are usually thinner and softer than Silk rated at 0.15mm-0.2mm in thickness, but can also come thicker as well.
The thinnest and softest is Sable of rated at 0.10mm-0.15mm.
We usually use Faux Mink or Faux Sable, although Sable is really only recommended for those who have very thin natural eyelashes that have trouble supporting the weight of Mink and Silk.
And we consult our clients to figure out the thickness that will work with their expectations.
Real Fur won’t hold a curl as well as Faux Fur.
Minks offers a luxury faux mink lash that gives clients the best of both worlds, combining luxury and durability. Try Minks extensions today!